Carbon footprint

Taking action on climate change starts with understanding your impact.

We’re here to make this process affordable, enjoyable and rewarding.

What is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is the total amount of Greenhouse Gas Emissions that are caused by a company's activities. The sum total of all the greenhouse gas emissions that had to occur for a product to be produced or for an activity to occur.

The measurement accounts for the release of several different gases including methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases β€” it is expressed in terms of carbon dioxide equivalency. The CO2-equivalency measurement enables straightforward comparisons of activities that might otherwise be difficult to compare directly.

Calculating the carbon footprint is usually the first step toward carbon neutrality because it clarifies the emissions sources. It also provides an opportunity for where a business needs to reduce its carbon emissions.

Carbon footprint calculations

Once we understand your business, we can identify where emissions are occurring.

Know your operations

Our certified carbon accountants will calculate the carbon impact of all relevant activities - known as a Greenhouse Gas inventory.

We crunch the numbers

We give you direction

We make it easy to see your impact, setting the foundations for reduction strategies and offsetting.

What do you get?

We upskill and inspire you along the way, so you’re comfortable talking about the process with staff and stakeholders.

Carbon 101

We provide a detailed Greenhouse Gas inventory, which includes details on the emissions boundary and methodology. We provide a business comparison analysis to determine your position in the industry.

Detailed Report

We provide high-level emissions reduction recommendations, and ongoing support to ensure that any comms you make are technically correct.


Learn about carbon offsetting.