Carbon offsetting

After taking all necessary steps to reduce your carbon footprint, you can utilise offsets to balance out any emissions that can't be avoided.

What is Carbon Offsetting?

Carbon offset is a term used to refer to both the action and the credit of offsetting carbon. A net zero strategy involves reduction first, then Carbon credits are utilised to balance the company's emissions, thus helping to decrease its carbon footprint. Offset units are generated from projects that either reduce, remove or capture atmospheric emissions. In essence, carbon offsetting refers to any reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that compensate for emissions taking place elsewhere. By obtaining carbon offset credits, an organisation demonstrates that it has successfully decreased its net emissions.

What is Carbon insetting?

Carbon offsetting allows a business to purchase carbon credits from projects they don’t own or operate to offset their carbon emissions. Insetting refers to financing climate protection projects along a company's own supply chain that reduces or sequesters emissions and thereby positively impacts the communities, landscapes and ecosystems associated with the supply chain. Carbon insets can not be purchased instead, projects are funded, and the impact is measured.

Carbon Offsets and Credits

Carbon offsetting projects aim to reduce carbon emissions by removing them from the atmosphere or preventing their release. These projects can register to generate carbon credits, with each credit corresponding to one metric ton of CO2 absorbed or reduced. The projects are registered through a carbon credit certifier; credits are then traded on the Voluntary Carbon Market.

Types of carbon offsetting projects

Trusted Carbon Projects

Our team's expertise in carbon is unparalleled, having successfully established over 300 carbon projects worldwide in the past 20 years. We evaluate every carbon project using our Project Review Framework to verify project credentials. We conduct a workshop to present various carbon projects that perfectly match your preferences. The selection process is enjoyable and highly rewarding since many of these projects offer additional benefits, such as supporting endangered wildlife or providing employment opportunities to indigenous communities. We then take care of all the technical details, from purchase through to surrender and certification.

Why Earthed?

We provide a detailed portfolio of trusted projects to select, tailored to your preferences and budget.


All projects have passed our Project Review Framework, conducted by a team who have collectively developed more than 300 carbon projects internationally.


We provide you with certification that the carbon credits have been purchased and surrendered.


Over 111,199 tonnes of CO2 emissions offset by our clients